Botanica Mathematica

a textile taxonomy of mathematical plant forms


Inspired by 2013 being both the Year of Natural Scotland and the Year of Mathematics of Planet Earth, we devised a project bringing these concepts together. Botanica Mathematica builds on their 2011/12 project The Mathematician’s Shirts by, this time, using textiles to explore some of the mathematical structures arising in botanical forms.

Generative instructions, algorithms are the genetic code of these creations; textile techniques are their metabolism. Patterns are released into the wild to evolve and change as makers around the world interpret them.

The elegant structures, rich textures and fascinating patterns that arise will be collected and classified as if they were specimens in a botanic garden’s herbarium.

The taxonomic classification will take place when we feel we have sufficient specimens.  We’ll seek a final exhibition once that has happened.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. This looks great, dont often see maths, botany and knitting combined in such an artistic way.

  2. Thanks Margie! Hope you find time to try out some of the patterns over the coming year.

  3. fabulous…I am sharing this post with all my geeky knitting friends.

  4. I need to try some of these! I crocheted several corals for the Smithsonian reef project. I really enjoyed participating in it.

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